Notre objectif vise
la création de solutions.
Chez Sutherland, notre objectif vise la création de solutions aux défis relatifs aux affaires publiques de façon à maximiser vos possibilités sur le marché canadien. Nous créons des solutions adaptées qui répondent aux besoins uniques de chaque client, pavant la voie à de la gestion de projets et à des communications efficaces avec les décideurs gouvernementaux, les auditoires internes et les principales parties prenantes.
Dans les provinces de l’Ouest et de l’Est du Canada, de même qu’au Québec et en Ontario, les organisations syndicales, les organismes sans but lucratif, les entreprises nationales et les sociétés multinationales comptent sur nous pour surmonter les difficultés de communication et les barrières en ce qui concerne les relations avec les secteurs municipal, provincial et fédéral.
As our world evolves at a rapid pace, Sutherland is committed to providing our clients with cutting edge services that drive results. That’s why we have launched The Hub @ Sutherland – a unique purpose-built partnership that combines creative marketing and strategic communications to help achieve your goals. Learn more about The Hub today.
Notre objectif est de créer des solutions sur mesure
We understand the when, whom and how of approaching decision makers to inform policies. We know how to construct the right message and we are experienced in driving policy change.
Focus Ontario
Our government relations professionals and public policy experts connect with key stakeholders and guide clients through Ontario’s legislative and regulatory environments. With former elected officials as well as ministerial and parliamentary staff members on our team, we have direct experience in government.
Municipal Focus
Consensus building at the municipal level is a particularly daunting task for most and few venture into this complex maze of competing agendas and complicated bureaucracies. Sutherland’s expertise will guide you through this unique environment.
Our team includes former Mayors, municipal Councillors and senior staff who work in Toronto, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), Vancouver and all major centres in Canada. Our approach offers our clients unique perspectives on City Hall.
Gérer les problèmes les plus importants pour votre réputation et votre succès
Proactive communication has never been more important than in today’s world of multiple stakeholders and competing messages. We work with your organization to identify key audiences, focus your message and create earned media opportunities.
Through issues management, public relations, social media, stakeholder engagement and grassroots advocacy experience, we develop comprehensive communications strategies that support municipal and government relations efforts and get your message across to the right audience.
We also offer creative solutions to achieve your goals through The Hub @ Sutherland, a unique purpose-built partnership that combines creative marketing and strategic communications. Don’t spin your wheels, go to The Hub.